Learn about European Naturopathic Healing Methods

Ulla Meyerhof


born 12.June.1945 in Herrieden Germany

from  1951 -1965 Schools  (pre-school  -  High-school)

and    1982 -1983 (FOS Kempten, allowing admittance to university)

1967-1976   different jobs as secretary and interpretor,

raising 2 kids ,They were born 1966 and 1968


home and seminar-- studies of Naturopathy

  480 hours Study with Bildungs und Gesundheitszentrum,

Christa Hardt, Solingen 

November 23, 1976

State Test with Licensing

as a Heilpraktiker*

* Heilpraktiker is someone who is working with

naturopathic methods and is state licensed in Germany

Own Practice

1976-1988    in Oy/Allgäu/Germany
1988-1990    in Santa Cruz,  CA,  USA
1990-1992    in Berlin/Germany
1992-1999    in Kempten/Allgäu/Germany
1999-2000    in Vista CA,  USA
2000-2002    in Oberinn/ Italy
2002-2005    in Baisweil/ Germany
2005 -2009    in Schwabmünchen/ Germany

relocated to Kapolei, Hawaii September 2009
working pro bono for the the Naturopathic School of Hawaii since June 2014



1970 - 1976    Heilpraktiker
                         Education at Bildungs und Gesundheitszentrum  Hardt, Solingen
23.11.1976     Erlaubnis zum Ausüben der Naturheilkunde durch das
                         LRA Forchheim  = License for practising Naturopathic  Medicine 
1976 -1977    Education Foot Reflexology Partl I and II  
                        at Hanne Marquardt, Königsfeld Burgberg                                              
1977-1991     Continuous Education in Foot Reflexology
                        with Walter Froneberg, Wegberg-Dalheim 
1995-1996     learning the DORN method with harald Fleig, Dr Hansen and
                        in an internship with Dieter Dorn,
1977-1991     Education in   in Chiropractic und manual Neurotherapy
                        with  Walter Froneberg, Wegberg-Dalheim
1976               Education  OZONE-Therapy with Siegfried Rummel,
1976-1978    several seminars in Iridology with Madaus  in Uslar
1979-1980    Seminars Spiritual Healing with Marie Luise Stangl,


1988              Massage Practitioner and Health Educator  at Twin Lakes      
                       College,   Santa  Cruz, USA•   

1989              Seminar in Homeopathy by  Heel Inc.  in Los Angeles,
2010              LMT Licensed as Massage Therapist  for Hawaii


1991-1992     Seminar in Bio Resonanz Therapy with  MORA  and BICOM
1993               Seminar in REIKI Part I in München
1994               Seminar SILVA MIND METHOD in Friedrichshafen
1995-1996     Seminars: Dorn Method with  Fleig and Dieter Dorn, Dr Hansen
1996               Apprenticeship with  Dieter Dorn (120 hours)
1997               Development of SPYNAMICS
                        consisting of elements of Dorn Method and Foot Reflexology
                        and   Manual Neurotherapy in acc. to W. Froneberg

1997              Seminar Eye acupuncture with  Prof. Boel in Cologne
1999              Seminar Lymphatic -Drainage with Inntal Akademie


B. Seminars and Lectures

Since 1991 I teach Foot Reflexology with my own version as

european foot reflexology


Since 1998  I teach


Since 2000 I teach

Lymphatic  Drainage 

Since 1978 I was continuously holding lectures about different topics as:

Foot Reflexology

Ancient Methods of Naturopathy
Schüssler Cell Salts
Healing with Aromatherapy
Healing Stones and
other alternative healing methods


C. Publications

1997 I had my own little radio program with  Radio RSA Kempten
          Gesundheit die die Natur Dir schenkt    (Health, given by Nature)
          I was live on air  every noon  for 200  days

other Publications (private edition)

European Foot Reflexology in German und English. Seminar booklet
Chart of Foot Reflexology  (1988) graphics by JoAnn Tennant

New book and chart are available since 2015

Lymphatic-Drainage in German and English Seminar booklet
SPYNAMICS  in German and English Seminar booklet
COLONICS   in German  Seminar booklet
in March 2011 my book
"Gesundheit die (fast) nichts kostet"
Health at practically no cost
was edited by Siva Natara Verlag in Germany

since October 2012
the book in German is available as an ebook
with www.amazon.de

My 2nd book is availble as pdf.ebook in German
Titel: In jedem Fall gesund
(Health in any case)
Reference book




European Foot Reflexology has its roots in ancient healing methods. A well trained Foot reflexologist is able to asess  the findings on the feet, balance and judge the progress that has been made by follow up sessions. Anatomy and physiology knowledge is a required basis to learn
European Foot Reflexology.

My book "european foot reflexology"  is available through me

or call (808)206-5207


Lymphatic Drainage is a physical therapy, that consists of very soft manipulations on the skin in order to move the lymphatic fluid. Main indication for Lymphatic Drainage is decongestion of lymphatic vessels and thus removing for example eye bags or  water retention in the legs that are not caused by heart disease. Even cellulitis  can be diminished to next to nothing with Lymphatic Drainage. Lymphatic Drainage enhances the Micro Circulation. Recent studies show, that Lymphatic Drainage on the neck is the best choice of a treatment after a whiplash syndrome.


Spynamics comes from Sp(ine) and (dy)namics and is a safe and effective but highly effective manual therapy of the spine and joints. Spynamics is based on DORN Methode, a German traditional healing method


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